Maricopa County, AZ

Online Education

Maricopa County Child Care Nurse Consultants are pleased to present these on-line training modules. It is vital to ensure the health and safety of children while they are in child care. The information contained in these presentations comes from early education’s best-practice health standards sources.

Online Training Module General Directions:

  1. Since the presentations have narration and videos, use a computer that has sound.
  2. The presentations will work in all internet browsers, although Google Chrome browser works the best. If possible use Google Chrome.
  3. If your computer displays a message asking if you want to allow all content, indicate that you want all content displayed.
  4. Take notes; it helps you to remember the content.
  5. The modules take between 30 and 60 minutes to complete, so allow enough time to complete the module.

If you have any questions, please call 602 506-1582.

Managing Asthma in Child Care
½ hour training credit

This training will give you basic information on how to handle asthma in children who attend child care.

Start Managing Asthma Course

Managing Seizures in Child Care
½ hour training credit

This training will give you basic information on how to handle seizure disorders in children who attend child care.

Start Managing Seizures Course

Safe Sleep Practices for Child Care
1 hour training credit

This training discusses the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendations for infant sleep environments.

Start Safe Sleep Practices Course

Management of Shigellosis in the Child Care Setting
½ hour training credit

This training presents information on preventing the spread of shigellosis in child care.

Start Management of Shigellosis Course

Cambio de Pañales 101:
crédito 1/2 hora

El propósito de éste curso es demostrar los procedimientos sanitarios que se deben usar para el cambio de pañales. Estos procedimientos sanitarios ayudarán a disminuir la propagación de gérmenes en los centros de cuidado infantil.

Presione Aqui

Responding to a Severe Allergic Reaction:
½ hour training credit

This training presents information on recognizing and appropriately responding to severe allergic reactions.

Start Allergic Reaction Course

Diapering 101:
½ training hour credit

The purpose of this course is to demonstrate sanitary diapering procedures that help decrease the spread of germs in the child care setting.

Start Diapering 101 Course

Hand Washing in Child Care:
½ training hour credit

The purpose of this course is to provide information on the importance of hand washing and its role in preventing the spread of disease in the child care setting.

Start Handwashing Course

Sanitation Practices in Child Care:
½ training hour credit

The purpose of this course is to provide information on the importance of best-practice sanitation procedures that should be used in child care centers.

Start the Sanitation Course

Resource Videos

Learn How To Put Your Baby to Sleep Safely

Click here to watch. This video was made by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Changing Diapers in Child Care

This video was made by the Maricopa County Child Care Nurse Consultants and demonstrates the Quality First approved method for changing diapers in the child care setting.